Being a college student can be so stressful sometimes! It's difficult balancing difficult courses, work, a social life, and a home all at once! No wonder we students end up partying every weekend.. I struggle to keep myself in a perky mood 24/7 at times, but luckily the simple things really lift my spirits.
My Parmesan cheese shaker!
I constantly see/use different smiley faces each and every day. Whether I am using emoticons when texting a friend, doodling instead of taking notes in class, or walking home and noticing sticks making a smile, I am surround by happy faces. I can't help but smile back at them!
Cute animals:
My family's dog, Sadie as a puppy. D'awww!
I don't think anyone can be upset when they see an adorable kitten dressed in a hat and tie or a little lamb nomming a flower! My friends know me so well that they instantly send me a picture of a kitten when I am sad. I instantly make a three-face! :3
Work buddies eating after work!
Luckily, I have made so many friends at my work! I usually have a great time whenever I am working, regardless of how my day has gone. You an find us cooking hamburgers and making subs while dancing to music in our heads. I also have my group of freshman friends that I made in the dorms last year. I can always count on them to let me come over whenever I want. I love my little nerds! And lastly, I have my boyfriend who can always make me laugh.. except when he doesn't want to watch Tangled with me! :P
I don't think I need to say much about how awesome food can make someone feel! I love coming home and being able to eat oreos and chips and salsa. Mmm! Delish~
I can think of so many other things that make me happy regardless of what is going on in my life. Things are a little rough right now, but as long as I think about the simple things in life I will continue to be the bubbly Lisa that everyone knows and loves. :D